A school for body workers interested in the disciplines of holistic wellness and health.
An opportunity for well-being.
An opportunity to reconnect yourself with your own body, sensations and feelings.
An occasion to discover your inner self through bodywork, meditation, awareness
The Academy of massages "A touch from the heart" was founded as an organization specialized in training and teaching of eastern massages from different cultural areas, mainly:
The courses are open to both private citizens, who want to learn how to give relaxation and relief from tensions through their hands and to professionals (body workers, operators in disciplines of holistic health and wellness, beauticians) who want to expand their knowledge through the teachings of the ancient eastern wisdom .
For those who want to go deeper, the academy "A touch from the heart" proposes 2 one-year masters. One concerns specifically with Ayurveda including theory, different kind of massages (abhyangam, snehana, mukhashiroabhyangam) and stretching
(muryabhyangam). The other one, dedicated to eastern massages, includes Ayurveda basic massages as well as Hawaiian, Indonesian, stone or Crystal energy massage.
For those interested in individual sessions the Academy proposes a wide range of treatments aimed at increasing inner and outer wellbeing. They are meant not only to release physical tensions and give a pleasant relaxation but also to be an amazing opportunity of self-knowledge.
The instruments used are:
Finally, to those interested in joining art and meditation, the academy "A touch from the heart" proposes classes of Ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging, and events of singing mantras with live music.
The academy "A touch from the heart" is directed by Dr. Enrica Dubini Apeksha, who is also the teacher of most of the courses.