
Features of the course: |
The seminar is aimed at anyone interested in massage, in particular to beginners who want to experience in this field without a large investment of time and energy.
The only requirement is the will to learn a good technique and understand its purpose and its psychophysical effects.
It is a preparatory seminar, suitable for any other subsequent course. |
Contents of the course: |
The contact
Description of the various techniques and their meaning
The massage positions
The rhythm of the massage
The effects of the massage
The presentation of the various topics will be integrated with the demonstration of the techniques, followed by the practice of the participants. The sequence of the strokes will compose a simple massage, pleasant and effective to treat especially back and legs |
Admission requirements: |
No special requirements. It is a course for beginners. |
Programming: |
The course includes 16 hours of training with the following dates: 27-28 October 2012 |
Participation fee: |
The course fee is € 190 + VAT (inclusive of manual, certificate and tea-break). |
"When You touch, You touch God"
... Se ami e senti compassione per l'altro, se senti il suo estremo valore; se non lo tratti come un meccanismo da aggiustare ma come un'energia di grandissimo valore; se sei grato del fatto che abbia fiducia in te e ti permetta di giocare con la sua energia, allora a poco a poco ti sembrerà come se stessi suonando un organo. L'intero corpo diviene le chiavi dell'organo e tu puoi sentire che si è creata un'armonia. Non solo la persona sarà aiutata, ma anche tu.
Osho "Hammer on the Rock" |