
Features of the course: |
The course of massage for couples is meant to offer partners the opportunity to meet each other in a space of loving kindness and deep connection by learning simple and effective massage techniques, guided meditations, breathing techniques and rituals.
Contents of the course: |
Massage as a path to meet each other
Meditations for individuals, couples and group
Demonstration of massage techniques and their meaning
Guided practice of massage
Breathing techniques
Rituals |
The sequence of strokes give rise to a simple and pleasant massage, that can be practiced on a mattress on the ground. The techniques of meditation and breathing combined with the massage create a set of knowledge and experience that the partners will be able to try again in their environment. |
Admission requirements: |
The course is specially designed for couples. |
Programming: |
The course is divided into two seminars of 16 hours each, in the following dates:
20 to 21 April 2012 (1st seminar)
25 to 26 May 2012 (2nd Seminar) |
Participation fee: |
The cost is € 350 + VAT for couples, for each seminar. |
"When You touch, You touch God"
... Se ami e senti compassione per l'altro, se senti il suo estremo valore; se non lo tratti come un meccanismo da aggiustare ma come un'energia di grandissimo valore; se sei grato del fatto che abbia fiducia in te e ti permetta di giocare con la sua energia, allora a poco a poco ti sembrerà come se stessi suonando un organo. L'intero corpo diviene le chiavi dell'organo e tu puoi sentire che si è creata un'armonia. Non solo la persona sarà aiutata, ma anche tu.
Osho "Hammer on the Rock" |